Short Film Posters > Contact

Contact Us

  • Have a scoop on a new movie poster?
  • Want to submit a better poster image?
  • Have any comments or suggestions?

Or, use the following form:

E-mail Address:



NOTE: Email addresses will never be given out to third parties



1) How can I submit posters to the site?
Any images can be emailed to the address on the left. JPG is the most convenient format but we can handle most others. We can display images up to 3,000 pixels in height on the site. If you have a large number of images you wish to send at once, please break them up over several emails or send them via a free file sharing service such as Yousendit or WeTransfer.

2) How can I have my designs credited on the site?
If the posters are already on the site, just let us know which ones are yours along with the name of the company or individual who designed them. If the posters are not already on the site you can submit them as noted above.

3) My short film is publicly available online, can you link to it from the poster page?
Sure. Just send us the link and we can include it with your poster. If it is available on YouTube we can embed it directly on the page instead if you wish.